Since 1911, at one point in time or another, the following organizations have bestowed All-State football honors; as well, starting in 1990, the Iowa Football Coaches Association began recognizing Academic All-State players.
Each squad contains player's pictures and personal stats such as height, weight, and position... however, some players are missing info; if you can help, please do so! If you are able to assist with a photo, a JPEG or PNG file is best.
Regarding player and team placement, in some cases there are discrepancies among the different entities that bestow All-State honors; such that, a player was categorized by their highest earned honor. For example, a player may have earned 1st Team honors by one entity but subsequently in another publication was named to the 2nd-Team squad. As well, some players were named as an All-State player but out of position! Nevertheless, it is only fair to place players in the highest-earned All-State Team in the position they played...after all, which source is really "right"?
In some cases, a player's true position could not be determined and such that, were listed in a general category such as "Offensive Lineman" or "Defensive Back". If you are able to help in this regard, please contact the Webmaster.
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